

nani… a masadak Wikipedia

satapangan tang’an (SVG tang^an,tata’ak no laleko:48 × 48 syang-su no sya-sing, o tata’ak no tang^an:20 KB)

Nani tiniay i 維基共享資源konini a tang^an, alatek macokaymas no roma a masatataday a tang^an. Ikalaeno i masongila’ay a sowal toya felih a mapahapinang ko i tenokay a sowal.

o nisa’amotoan a pakimad

kimad An icon from the GNOME-icon-theme.
O romi’ad
lalengatan GNOME
O misoritay GNOME Project
o sakatonek a patorod
(liyawen a midemak kona tang’an)
Sakacipinang a pangangan malecaday pidemak palada’
Sakacipinang a pangangan: GNOME Project
manga’ay pakonirasa kiso a:
  • Mipalada’ – rorod、 patalahekal ato patenak to ninian a nisanga’an
  • liyawen a misalof – o nisasaharatengan a nisanga’an
aka ca piso^do tora ilaenoay a sakarocek:
  • Sakacipinang a pangangan – aka ca pido^do^ kiso to nitooran no misoritay ano eca o mihaydaay to sakacipinang a ngangan nikaorira, aka pitakaw a pakafana’ to picokaymas no miso to
  • malecaday pidemak palada’ – Ano inian a nisoritan ko sapisomad, sapifalic, ato sapisafaeloh iso a misorit i, onini a rikec ano eca oya malecaday a rikec ko sapicokaymas iso a micowat misanga’ to roma a sorit.[1]
GNU head This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or any later version. This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
vector image使用Inkscape創作。




描繪內容 Chinese (Taiwan)

著作權狀態 Chinese (Taiwan)

有著作權 Chinese (Taiwan)

多媒體型式 Chinese (Taiwan)


o likisi no tang’an

pili’en a mimi^mi ko romi’ad/ tok, ta misongila’ a minengneng to tang’an rorong nora tatokian

O romi’ad/ tokinisamamangan a congao tata’ak ato karaya’micokaymasaypipatongalan to sowal
Aniniay/imatinaay2008年9月6日 (六) 00:10Nani tiniay i 2008年9月6日 (六) 00:10 a rorong no nisamamangan a coka48 × 48(20 KB)Bdkreuploaded from ftp.gnome.org due to loss of our previous version
2008年3月28日 (五) 21:46Awaay ko nisamamangan a conga(20 KB)Pengo{{Information |Description=User-info icon from Gnome |Source=http://jimmac.musichall.cz |Date= |Author=Jakub Steiner |Permission=GPL 2.0 |other_versions= }} == License == {{free screenshot|license={{GPL}} }}

Awaay ko felih to sapakakafit tonini a tang^an.

O laleko no tang^an i po:long no micokaymas

i kalaenoay oya no roma a wiki micokaymas tonini a tang^an :

misongila’ a minengneng tona matongal ko hekal to picokaymas no tang’an

mikitedal to tatiri’en