
Faylo:AUTH-Math Education Program training.jpg

nani… a masadak Wikipedia

satapangan tang’an (2,592 × 1,936 ko kasapinang no siyang-su, o tata’ang no pinaro:1.8 MB,MIME kassiroma a:image/jpeg

Nani tiniay i 維基共享資源konini a tang^an, alatek macokaymas no roma a masatataday a tang^an. Ikalaeno i masongila’ay a sowal toya felih a mapahapinang ko i tenokay a sowal.

o nisa’amotoan a pakimad

Ελληνικά: Εργαστήριο εκμάθησης επεξεργασίας της Βικιπαίδειας. Μαθηματική Σχολή, Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης.
English: Wikipedia editing workshop. School of Mathematics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
O romi’ad
lalengatan original work
O misoritay Charalambos Bratsas

o sakipatorod a tilid

Sakacipinang a pangangan malecaday pidemak palada’
manga’ay pakonirasa kiso a:
  • Mipalada’ – rorod、 patalahekal ato patenak to ninian a nisanga’an
  • liyawen a misalof – o nisasaharatengan a nisanga’an
aka ca piso^do tora ilaenoay a sakarocek:
  • Sakacipinang a pangangan – aka ca pido^do^ kiso to nitooran no misoritay ano eca o mihaydaay to sakacipinang a ngangan nikaorira, aka pitakaw a pakafana’ to picokaymas no miso to
  • malecaday pidemak palada’ – Ano inian a nisoritan ko sapisomad, sapifalic, ato sapisafaeloh iso a misorit i, onini a rikec ano eca oya malecaday a rikec ko sapicokaymas iso a micowat misanga’ to roma a sorit.[1]
Personality rights Although this work is freely licensed or in the public domain, the person(s) shown may have rights that legally restrict certain re-uses unless those depicted consent to such uses. In these cases, a model release or other evidence of consent could protect you from infringement claims. Though not obliged to do so, the uploader may be able to help you to obtain such evidence. See our general disclaimer for more information.
This image is annotated: View the annotations at Commons




描繪內容 Chinese (Taiwan)

著作權狀態 Chinese (Taiwan)

有著作權 Chinese (Taiwan)

成立或建立時間 Chinese (Taiwan)

27 5 2013

攝影器材 繁體中文 (已轉換拼寫)

iPad mini (第一代) 繁體中文 (已轉換拼寫)

多媒體型式 Chinese (Taiwan)


核對和 Chinese (Taiwan)


斷定方法 Chinese (Taiwan):​SHA-1 中文 (已轉換拼寫)

資料大小 Chinese (Taiwan)

1,887,000 位元組

高度 Chinese (Taiwan)

1,936 像素

寬度 Chinese (Taiwan)

2,592 像素

曝光時間 繁體中文 (已轉換拼寫)

0.04166666666666666666 秒鐘

焦距比數 繁體中文 (已轉換拼寫)


焦距 繁體中文 (已轉換拼寫)

3.3 公釐

ISO速度 繁體中文 (已轉換拼寫)


隸屬於 Chinese (Taiwan)

相片 Chinese (Taiwan)

o likisi no tang’an

pili’en a mimi^mi ko romi’ad/ tok, ta misongila’ a minengneng to tang’an rorong nora tatokian

O romi’ad/ tokinisamamangan a congao tata’ak ato karaya’micokaymasaypipatongalan to sowal
Aniniay/imatinaay2013年5月31日 (五) 15:37Nani tiniay i 2013年5月31日 (五) 15:37 a rorong no nisamamangan a coka2,592 × 1,936(1.8 MB)GerakiUser created page with UploadWizard

Awaay ko felih to sapakakafit tonini a tang^an.

O laleko no tang^an i po:long no micokaymas

i kalaenoay oya no roma a wiki micokaymas tonini a tang^an :

mikitedal to tatiri’en